The best part about Girl Guides for me is camping. I love being out in nature and seeing the beauty all around me, I love seeing the way the girls act when they can just be themselves, and I love being able to disconnect for a weekend and just have fun! In mid-January my Guide unit and my sisters' Pathfinder unit went to camp together and despite the fact that it was -38°C with the wind chill it was an awesome weekend!
When we got there the entire building was covered with icicles. They were so long and it was almost magical how they were glistening in the moonlight. I had to take a picture of them before the girls hit them all down (it took about 5 minutes before they were all on the ground...)
Friday night we did the typical camp hat craft, the yarn toque! If you would like a step-by-step on this craft you can click here to see a previous post I made.
It wouldn't be a camp blog post without some nature shots! I loved the contrast of colours between the snow and the trees. It was so pretty!
One of the crafts we did was a mason jar lantern- how Pinterest! We were going to join the big camp happening in another building on the site for campfire and they had all made lanterns to make the fire. I made a full Make it Monday post on the lanterns here.
It has become almost a tradition in my unit to have "bacon and eggs" at camp- so delicious!
This is my favourite photo from the weekend!
Camp is the best place to get amazing photos and it was at those times that I wish we had a camp uniform or something that showed that we were at Girl Guide Camp. My mom suggested that we make toques for the girls by buying navy blue hats and a crest from the Guide shop. I am really happy with how they turned out because you can tell that they are a unit and it makes the pictures look awesome! :)

This next craft needs a bit of a backstory. Last year at camp a few of the girls were afraid to go outside in the night because there was a big tree right next to the building that would scrape on the window and make creepy shadows... They decided to make it a face and give it a name so it would be less scary and so Albert the Tree was born! All through last year and into this year the girls would constantly talk about Albert so when it came time for a patrol to plan an activity they wanted to make their own Albert the Trees. I was pretty impressed by how much they ran with the idea and the craft turned out pretty cute.
Here is the original Albert the Tree!
Another one of the patrol activities was making cookies. They made two different kinds of cookies- traditional chocolate chip cookies and Dad's cookies with jam in the middle. They were both delicious!
The girls planned chocolate fondue for their Saturday night dessert Heather had a marshmallow with her fondue and it looked like Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. What do you think?
This is the Northern Lights in crayon form- pretty creative for a Sunday morning.
As we were packing up from camp I came across this snowman, I have no idea who made it but I thought it was cute.
One of my favourite activities at winter camp is making these ice suncatchers. I know I have mentioned it before but all you need to is collect some nature bits, put them in a tin pie plate filled with water, and leave it outside to freeze. When it is frozen, hang it in a tree and enjoy! When it melts everything goes back into nature and the small piece of yarn can be used by the birds.
I had a really good time and I think the girls did to! What are your favourite winter camp activities?