JANUARY: Very busy with personal stuff (way too many trips to the hospital in my family) and Sparks which started off with a bang and a beach party! They were an awesome group of kids!
FEBRUARY: I think the highlight of this month was hearing two of my heroes Dr. Roberta Bondar and L. Gen Romeo Dallaire speak at Teachers Convention. They are rock stars in my mind and I was so inspired and in awe of what these two amazing people have done.

MARCH: Alberta Girls' Parliament was a major part of March and it was a ton of fun! The planning is underway for the next session which is a lot of fun and I hope that many of the girls who came last year will come again in 2013.
APRIL: I finished my student teaching at the end of April and I was so proud of myself for doing well in practicum. I had an awesome class and was so lucky to have such a supportive school and mentor teacher.
MAY: May was a big one because I went to my favourite place on Earth and my sister left for her summer at Our Chalet. I started off the month in Disneyland which was an incredible way to celebrate finishing school because it seriously is the happiest place on earth! The next week Heather left for Our Chalet, which was big for our whole family- especially for her.
JUNE: Graduated from university with a Bachelor's Degree in Education! This was a big deal for me because I have wanted to be a teacher for pretty much my entire life and I finally got what I needed to reach my goal .
JULY: Hmm.. what can I say about July, nothing too major happened. JUST KIDDING! The Girls' World Forum in Chicago was probably one of the biggest highlights of the year personally and in Guiding. It was an amazing time and I learned so much- plus it really boosted my enthusiasm for my projects.
AUGUST: I was still on a bit of a high from the Forum in August so I really got the ball rolling with project ideas and getting more involved. I did a bit of camping with friends and family and just got some time to relax which was great. I also accompanied my mom's Extra Ops group on their last hurrah trip to celebrate finishing the girl program in Guiding.
OCTOBER: The major thing I can think of for this month was the Camping Adviser Workshop and getting baby Louis the kitten. He is so awesome and adorable with a very unique personality. He just has a way of making me smile and I love it. Here is a picture of him now- he thinks he is a parrot. :)
NOVEMBER: I had the very first official Girl Guides for Change event! It was a film screening for the documentary called Miss Representation which I have talked about several times on this blog, but I loved hearing what Pathfinders and Rangers thought about it and the topics within it.
DECEMBER: The world didn't end, HOORAY! :) The last month of the year was crazy with Christmas,
school finishing up, and also getting everything sorted out and planned for the Sparks Friendship camp I am heading in February. I will definitely have something on here about that as the planning continues- it is a big job! The theme is shown in the picture below.. I AM SO EXCITED!!

I know I have mentioned most of these things in previous blog posts but they really were highlights in my year. Tomorrow marks the two year anniversary of my starting this blog which is pretty cool so I thought I would share my stats so far:
57 Posts8 followers (THANK YOU!)
2450 visits onto the blog
I hope that these will double by this time next year- that would make me really happy and make me feel like I am actually making a difference.
I am going to end this extremely long post by wishing you all a very Happy New Year and all the best in 2013!