Sorry I have been a bit MIA lately- it has been a busy time for me personally and with work. This will be a pretty short post but I just had to get my thoughts out "on paper."
I am sure by now everyone knows about the school shooting in Newtown, CT that happened on Friday December 14. I am disgusted, horrified, and incredibly heartbroken by the whole situation and I have thought a lot this weekend about the children, teachers, parents, and the community as a whole who were effected by this tragedy and especially the twenty seven souls who lost their lives. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I cannot even imagine the pain and deep sadness they are feeling in a time that is supposed to be full of joy and togetherness.
As a teacher a school shooting is one of my biggest fears because it is my job to keep my students safe when they are at school. A school should be the safest place for a child to be, a place where they are loved, cared for, and protected- something that some children do not get anywhere else. To be put into a situation like in Newtown where kids no older than 7 are shot and killed in their safe place makes me sick. The thing that makes it even worse is that this happens way more than it should around the world. If you watch the news or read the newspaper you will see that practically every day there is violence towards innocent people. Whether it is men, women, or children it happens and it is not okay. I don't have all of the answers, I don't even know all of the questions but what I do know is that I am not proud to be part of a society where people are shot and killed on a daily basis. Even if mankind has done amazing things like go to space, cure diseases, write music, and explore the depths of the ocean I am not proud that our most precious and vulnerable members, our children, experience violence on such a grand scale. Something needs to happen to stop this, so parents do not have to bury their babies. Whether it is in Canada, Syria, China, or the United States violence is never okay.
Sorry if this is all rambly and ranty, but I feel a lot better now that I can express my thoughts on such a horrible event.
"May the Lord bless you, and keep thee;
May the Lord make his face shine to upon you, and be gracious to you;
May the Lord turn his countenance to you and grant you peace."
May the Lord make his face shine to upon you, and be gracious to you;
May the Lord turn his countenance to you and grant you peace."

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