Saturday, October 25, 2014

Guides in Nature Sleepover!

Fall is one of my favourite times of year. I love the vibrant colours, the crisp air, and the breathtaking beauty of the world around me. Last week my Guides had a sleepover to get to know each other, work on some program, and of course have fun! We started our sleepover at a local park where girls just wanted to be kids and play in the leaves. 

After a lot of giggles and leaves we started our nature walk around the park towards the river. We found this really interesting tree and the Guides were fascinated by the bark- look how beautiful it is!

Down at the river was breathtaking. Late afternoon in the fall is quite possibly the most magical time in the world. 

The girls were not only looking at nature around them, they were also (responsibly!) collecting small nature bits for a craft we were going to do later in the sleepover. That is what the paper bags are for. 

 I love this photo! The composition of it is so beautiful and it is a candid! 

This little guide was absolutely fascinated by everything around she was experiencing down by the river. Her exploring is exactly what Guiding is all about. :) 

Oddly enough I didn't take too many pictures at this event, I really just wanted to spend time with my girls. :) After our campfire at the park we went back to our community league and did a few crafts and watched a movie (as a special treat).  

Here is an example of what the nature bits were for! We wrote our names with the nature to make these really cool signs!

I hope you enjoyed the little glimpse into our fall sleepover. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

International Day of the Girl: Guides Edition!

Last week at Guides we celebrated International Day of the Girl by working on the Girl Guides of Canada International Day of the Girl challenge. The theme this year was How are you a Hero? 

 I was so impressed with the superheroes the girls designed for themselves. Here are a few examples of the amazing things they came up with. 

We used sticky notes and posters to answer the big questions of the challenge. I was impressed with the insightful answers the girls came up with for what made the qualities of a hero.