This is going to be a quick little post to share some pictures. :)
I had another great Girl Guide for Change event last night- a screening of Miss Representation! There were a grand total of thirty-one Pathfinders, Rangers, and Guiders, which is fantastic! I was so impressed by the responses they had to the film. Like the other group, the girls had some very insightful thoughts on the documentary and had no problem relating it to their own lives. The thing I was most impressed with was the fact that the girls really understood that media was manipulating and had power over how girls see themselves and how boys see girls. I was so pleased to hear that they were aware of it and try not to let it change how they feel about themselves and what they think about the world around them.
I am hoping to have another event in the early spring about the Millennium Development Goals so stay tuned for more info on that!
Also I saw this picture on Pinterest and thought it was really pretty and then I looked at the character traits to describe the different Disney princesses and I found it pretty interesting to see how they have changed over the years. Snow White was the first she is "innocent," while the most current one, Tianna from Princess and the Frog is "determined." I might just be blathering, but I thought it was cool to start at the beginning and see how lead female characters have changed in Disney movies.