Tuesday, November 20, 2012

GGFC Event- Miss Representation

I am so excited to write this blog post today because I am reflecting on the very first Girl Guides for Change event! I have decided that my focus group is really Pathfinder and Ranger age girls so I invited them to come and see the film Miss Representation (I did a review on it a few months ago) 
This is the board with my information and what is next for Girl Guides for Change. Isn't it pretty?! :)
Thanks to all the awesome people who came out!

I think it is super important for all Pathfinder and Ranger age girls to see this documentary because these issues are very prevalent in their live and the film is sort of geared towards their age group. I am so happy that eighteen people came to the film and girls and their leaders were able to have a conversation and share their thoughts on the film they had just watched. I was so impressed by all of the responses the girls had to the film and we had a great chat about issues related to it. We only had about fifteen minutes but in that time we covered Halloween costumes, bullying because of what girls look like, and wondering why the actresses and models wore the clothes they did and acted the way they did. I was blown away by the insight, understanding, and passion the girls and the leaders had for these issues. My favourite thing that I will be doing with these events is filling up this jar with ways that the participants will change the world. I am so excited to see all of the ideas girls have for how they can make a difference in the world.

Here is the trailer again in case you haven't seen it before:

I will be having another screening in mid-January for all of my area and I hope to have another great response! Thanks again to all of the ladies who came and participated in the screening!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hello there! I haven't been on here in a while- not sure why but my days seem to be slipping away from me. I just wanted to do a quick update on my life and what has happened since I last blogged. Because my life revolves around Guiding it will be mostly Guiding things but a few personal as well!
~ Remember the kitten we found out at camp? We still have him- yes him. Madeline is a boy so his new name is Louis (you say it the French way loo-ee.) Here is a picture of him and our other cat Audrey. They love each other :)
~ Sparks is in full swing and we are having a ton of fun with our seventeen girls. Our coolest project we have done this year is for something called the Holiday Spirit Challenge with Edmonton Area. This year we are making tray favours and festive lunch bags for the Hope Mission for their Christmas Dinner. The Sparkies totally embraced the idea and did an awesome job!

~ I have had a couple of Skype conversations with the Girls' World Forum delegates about their Take Action Projects and I am so impressed with what they are coming up with. Elizabeth is focusing on a compost project for small spaces and Helen is working on getting girl members involved in councils in Guiding like committees, districts and areas. Great job ladies I can't wait to see what happens!
~ I will be having my first Girl Guides for Change event on Monday and I am super excited! To keep it more of a surprise that is all I am going to say for now and I will do a full post on Tuesday. :)

~ I am working almost everyday as a substitute teacher and I am absolutely loving it! I love being in the classroom with the kiddos and learning more and more about teaching and myself as a teacher and it is pretty cool to get a new start everyday.  

That is pretty much all I have going on right now. Thanks for being so patient with me for not being super active and I hope things will pick up soon!